Friends, family, passers-by... this is the official site of your favorite trio, "The Semi-amazing, Chris, Amanda & Ethan." Please add comments, thoughts, verbal-lashings... whatever you wish. Thank you.
-You Stay Classy San Diego.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Labor Daybor
There's almost nothing better than a 3 day weekend, except a 3 day weekend when your friends come to town. Last weekend Shane and Karen graced us with their awesomeness. We got a bunch of people together and had a great weekend. Here are some pics of the beach. What better way to not labor than to lay on the beach, play woffle ball, burn things and eat smores.
Toph, are you trying to look like me?
such A GREAT WEEKEND!!! It was awesome to be able to hang out and live up old school SD style! See you guys REAL soon!!!- Kare
haha wow you kids are crazy! :]
oh yeah I forgot to leave my name. This is your baby sister Sam. I wrote the last comment. haha Silly
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