Sunday, December 23, 2007

Shane and Karen's Wedding

Ok, so it's been a long time since I've updated the blog, and I'm sorry to the 3 or 4 people who actually read it, but updating this page fell pretty low on the priority list the last couple months. Now I'm off on Christmas break and I actually have 30 minutes to let everyone know whats going on in our lives.

Let's back up to Mid-October:

So, right after the last blog Amanda and I went out to Connecticut for Shane and Karen's wedding. It's was awesome, we had a lot of fun and it was great seeing such good friends getting married.

First was Shane's bachelor party in NYC where we saw the Conan O'Brien show live, check out Shane in the front row:
I won't get into too much more detail after that but lets just say we all had a good O' time! Here are a couple choice pictures:

So after a relaxing night, Shane was all ready to get married. The wedding was at a beautiful little church in Connecticut and the reception was at a gorgeous reception hall over looking a lake. Here are some pictures:

After we got back for the wedding things got really busy. As most of you know by now Amanda had to go through a pregnancy related surgery and got put on bed rest until February, it's nothing to do with the baby, he's doing fine and growing quite well, but Amanda has to take it easy and is confined to our house. Of course work for me has been extra busy (I ended up working about 4 weekends in a row, when it rains it pours). Not being able to go anywhere for the holidays has been really hard also. Our families have been really great coming down to see us and we were able to do Thanksgiving in our little condo and now we're doing Christmas with both families here, so I'll update the blog latter this week with some of those pictures.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's a BOY!

We had our sonogram yesterday and yes it's a boy, we're so excited, and some how we both knew. It was really cool to see him, he's gotten so big since last time. All his parts checked out, head, arms, legs, fingers and toes. here are some of the pictures:

A profile of his whole body.

His butt, and yea, he's definitely a boy.

His head.




Rock Climbing

Went rock climbing with Steve and Josh a couple weeks ago. It was a lot of fun but it made me realize how not flexible I've become in my old age, I used to able to scale rocks like stairs, now I have to pace myself, lame (I guess I should start working out, but that's takes time). Anyways we got some cool shots.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Labor Daybor

There's almost nothing better than a 3 day weekend, except a 3 day weekend when your friends come to town. Last weekend Shane and Karen graced us with their awesomeness. We got a bunch of people together and had a great weekend. Here are some pics of the beach. What better way to not labor than to lay on the beach, play woffle ball, burn things and eat smores.